SA Publications
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Please note that we are in the process of re-indexing. Apologies for any duplicate or missing entries.
The index is arranged in alphabetical order, Title, Author, Date. Where the title starts with "The", it's bracketed at the end of the title.
Y - Available in the WCNS library. Click to go to the publication
N - Not available in digital format in the online WCNS library, but it is available on our bookshelves - ask a librarian
A History of the Regular and Emergency Paper Money Issues of South Africa, Bergman W. (1971) - N
Africana Curiosities (1973) Y
Africana Notes and News Index (December 1948 - December 1989) Y
Antiques in South Africa (1977,1978) - Y
Association of South African Numismatic Societies (The), Journal 1 to 5 (1987 - 1994) Y
Art of Coins and Their Photography - Review by South African Panorama Magazine (1982) - Y
Banking and Currency Development in South Africa (1652 - 1927), Arndt E.H.D. (1928) - N
Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) 1836-1936, A Banking Centenary (1938) - N
Bickels Coin and Medal News, Vol 1 to Vol 11 (1965 - Sept 1975) - Y
Bothalia Vol 3 (May 1966) - Die Blomme op die nuwe Desimale Munte, Cythna Letty - Y
Cape Town Festival 15.3.1975 – 26.4.1975 - Y
Coinage and Counterfeits of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (The), Elias Levine (1974) - N
Coinage of the South African Republic (The), The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, 1900, Third Series, Vol. 20 (1900), pp. 252-263, Unknown Author - Y with Errata.
De Nummis, Journal of the Transvaal Numismatic Society: Number 1 to Number 6 (July 1955 to May 2017) - Y
First SAAND Trade Fair (The) - Johannesburg April 1982 - N
From Barter to Barclays, Compiled by Eric Rosenthal (1968) - Y
From Real to Rand, Becklake J.T. (Undated but late 1960's) - N
Gold Burger's Cross of 1874 (The), Nortje PH (2024) - Y
Gold Coins - Volkskas Limited - N
History of the Nickel Coins of South Africa, Francois Malan (2012) - N
History of the Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd , 1862-1913 (1914) - Y
Inconvertible Paper Money - Barker, J.R.K. (1920) - During the period of thirty-seven years between 1793 and 1830, Inconvertible Paper Money, which was a legal tender, was freely issued in the Cape Colony, producing a prolific crop of financial, currency, and commercial disasters in the country - Y
Introduction of a Decimal Coinage System in the Union of South Africa (The), E.H.D. Arndt, The South African Journal of Economics (1961) - Y
Johannesburg Centenary Numismatic Convention (1986) - N
Journal of the Institution of Certified Engineers, South Africa (Dec 1946) - N
Kruger Pond Imitations, Prof M Laidlaw (2009) - Y
Lantern - Y
Menne Single Shaft Paul Kruger Half Pond (The) - The Story of a Mysterious and Unique Gold Coin (printers copy), Nortje, P.H (2021) - Y
Minting of gold and silver coins at the Royal Mint, Pretoria (The), J. T. Becklake, The Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers, September 1928 - Y
Money in South Africa - Engelbrecht, C.L (1987) - N
Mystery of the Missionaries' Money (The) - The Griqua Coinage of the London Missionary Society (printers copy), Nortje, P.H. (2023) - Y
'n Geskiedenis van Betaalmiddels in Suid Afrika, Shaw E.M. (1956) - N
Notes from our Scrap Book, South African Numismatic Society Magazine (1945) - Y
Notes on the Coinage of South Africa - The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, 1934, Fifth Series, Vol. 14, No. 55 (1934), pp. 183-215, J.T. Becklake - Y
Numismatic Essays by Members of the South African Numismatic Society (1986) - Y
Optima Vol 9-10, A decimal coinage system for South Africa, P.A. Moore (1959) - Y
Our Cape Coin Heritage (1600 - 1834), Arnheim, M.T.W. (1978) - N
Patterns of the Krugerrand, Prof DF Malan (2022) - Y
Populere Handleiding oor Desimale Munt (1961) - N
Pretoria News 27th, 28th & 30th October 1933 - N
Rarest of the Rare - Unique and very Rare Gold Coins of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (The), Nortje, P.H.(2022) - Y
Report of the Transvaal Concessions Commission, 19th April 1900, Pretoria Mint - Y
Republic Festival 1971: Coins and Medals Exhibition presented by the South African Numismatic Society - N
Scarcity of the Coins of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek (The) - printer's copy, Pierre H. Nortje (2020) - Y
Shells to Shillings, E Rosenthal (1959) - Y
South African Bureau of Standards (1954) - N
South African Coin Collectors' Handbook (The): 2nd Edition, A Jaffe (1974) - Y
South African Journal of Economics (June 1961) - N
South African Mints (The), Arndt E.H.D. (1939) -N
South African Numismatic Convention: First Convention 1960 to Seventh Convention 1986 - Y
South African Numismatic Society Magazine (1947) - Y
South African Numismatic Journal (The): Number 1: September 1964 to Number 10: May 1978 - Y
South African Numismatic Society Newsletters (The): Volume 1 (September 1948) to Volume 5 (February 1964) - Y
South African Numismatic Society - General Meetings Minute Books (29 August 1945 - September 1992) - Y
South African Numismatic Society, 60th Anniversary Journal 2001 - Y
South Africa's First Gold Coin, Matthy Esterhuizen (1976) - N
The rights of the South African Reserve Bank with respect to historic coinage - Prof DF Malan (2016) - Y
Tokens of the Colony and Province of Natal - Milner Snell (2020) - Y
Tokens of the Transkei, Milner Snell (2020) - Y
Transvaal Numismatic Society: Record of Meetings - Y
Tokens of Natal (The), Pat Moran (1970) - N
Union Internment Camp Tokens, Prof DF Malan (2022) - Y
Van Riebeeck Festival Exhibition March/April 1952 at the South African Museum Cape Town - Y
Verslag van die Desimale Muntkommissie (1958) - N
Veldpond: The True Facts Pilgrim's Rest 1902, Dr Rentia Landman-Reid - Y
Where our coins are made: Minting at the Royal Mint, Pretoria, R. Pearson Deputy Mint Master, The South African Journal of Industries - May 1925 - Y
Z.A.R. Paper Currency during the 2nd Anglo-Boer War, Rian Visser - Y
The Association of South African Numismatic Societies
Journal Number 1 (1987- 1988) - Pdf
Message from President of A.S.A.N.S., Dr R Morris pp.3-4
The Association of South African Numismatic Societies - Constitution pp.5-9
A history of English Gold coinage, A J Davis (Hammered) and R M Lubbock (Milled) pp.10-24
Paper currency of the Anglo-Boer War 1899 to 1902: A definitive survey, AM Arthur B.Sc (Hons)., U.E.D., F.R.G.S. pp.25-44
Some interesting ZAR series facts, BJ Hern pp.46-47
Foreign pattern pieces struck at the South African Mint, Pretoria from 1942 to 1949, Dr R Bickel pp.49-50
One Rand notes numbered: (ie different numbers on one note) A/526 992280/81 to A526 992289/90, WER Thing pp.52-53
The Rhodesian Police Cross for Conspicuous Gallantry awarded to Patrol Officer Derrick George Edwards: As told to Brian Hern pp.55-56
A discard collection revitalised, Neville Harden pp.58-62
The Griqua people and their coinage 1812 to 1930, CS Balson pp.64-66
Coins and Counterfeiters, EJ Hankinson pp.68-70
Communion Tokens, Dr Clive Graham pp.72-75
The counterfeit Veld Pond to which I gave the name "M" or "Long A", B Herring (1976) p.78
The Military Medal Society of South Africa, Ian Uys pp.80-81
Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) Medals to men and women on the Boer Side, Henk Loots pp.83-87
The Awards of the South African Armed Forces: An Overview and Analysis, S Monick pp.88-108
Bibliography of published works relating to South African Military Awards pp.109-111
Journal Number 2 (1988 -1989) - Pdf
The great gale in Table bay, 19th July 1878, Dr F K Mitchell, F.S.A.N.S pp1- 4
Coins of South Africa - The 1931 Short Proof Set, Sam Lieberman pp.5-10
Paper Currency - A study of notable stories, A M Arthur pp.11-17
The Long Service and Good Conduct Medals of the South African Uniformed Public Services, S Monick pp.18-50
The Sammy Marks Golden Tickey and its Replicas, Dr Robert Morris pp.51-55
Interesante pennies en tipes pennies oor 2 000 jaar, Ds Hugo van der Walt pp56-62
Watches - It’s time to collect, Louis (Joss) Josselowitz pp.63-66
Preliminary notes on the composition of some Chinese Cash, H F Glen pp.67-86
Journal Number 3 (1989-1990) - Pdf
Maria Theresa of Austria; A Numismatic Profile, K Murray pp.4-6
(Wat is) Munt of Kruis? ('n Kwessie wat al in die hof besleg is!), C L Engelbrecht pp.9-11
Natal Tokens, Gillian Berning pp.14-21
Coinage of Lundy, G van Hoogdalem pp.23-24
Proof Coins or Not? - That is the question, Glynn Tunley pp.25-27
The Awards of The South West African police, S Monick pp.28-39
In search of an answer, P R Muller pp.40-42
Stamps used as currency, H van Hoogdalem pp.43-45
Towards a cure for the PVC menace, H F Glen pp.48-53
The Tokens of M. Franklin & Co. Melbourne House, Chapel Street, PMB, Pat Moran pp.56-57
The Life of Matthew Boulton, Arthur Cowen pp.59-61
The Inflation Nightmare, Keith Mcleod pp.64-70
Journal Number 4 (1992) - Pdf
Obituary: Dr Robert "Bob" Morris, Submitted by Peter Wilson p.1
Obituary: Dr Frank Mitchell, Submitted by B J Hern (F.S.A.A.N.S.) p.3
The History of the ZAR Coat of Arms, Submitted By N Harden pp.7-13
The Ndoro of the Zambezi Valley, Submitted by E J Hankinson pp.16-18
The Inside Story of the Perfect Forgery, Submitted by Eli Levine pp.21-23
The Curious History of the Money Cowrie, Submitted by Dr H.F. Glen pp.26-34
Siege Pieces of the Civil War (1642-1649), Submitted by A H G Jacobs (F.S.A.N.S.) pp.35-47
Why Collect Coins?, Submitted by S Lieberman pp.52-54
Lesser Known Boer War Medallions (1899-1902), Submitted by Henk Loots pp.56-62
Journal Number 5 (1994) - Pdf
The History of the Unique 7 piece Z.A.R. " Blank" Coin Set, Sam Lieberman pp.2-5
A Larin in the First National Bank Museum, H.F. Glen & Sue Smith pp.6-7
GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Notes on the history and coinage, Lilian & Stan Kaplan pp.10-19
Interesting Mint Facts, Brian Hern pp.21-25
Colonel Francis William Panzera, John Bothma pp.26-32
Delagoa Bay Medallions Information from The “RIJK’s MUNT” in the Netherlands, John Bothma pp.34-35
Some unrecorded South African Pattern or Trial Strike pieces from an old collection assembled by an expert numismatist, Brian Hern pp.37-40
Burgher, Tommy or both ?!?, Henk Loots pp.42-46
One Coin, Ian Swanepoel pp.48-49
Phonecards for South Africa (May 1994), Gary Levitan & Anthony Joffe pp.52-59
Bickels Coin and Medal News
Vol 1 - July 1965 to June 1966 - Index
Vol 2 July 1966 - Jun 1967 - Index
Vol 3 July 1967 - July 1968 - Index
Vol 4 Aug 1968 - Jul 1969 - Index
Vol 5 Aug 1969 - Jul 1970 - Index
Vol 6 Aug 1970 - Jul 1971- Index
Vol 7 Aug 1971 - Jul 1972 - Index
Vol 8 Aug 1972 - Jul 1973 - Index
Vol 9 Aug 1973 - Jul 1974 - Index
Vol 10 Aug 1974 - Jul 1975 - Index
Vol 11 Sept 1975 - Index
1.De Nummis, Journal of the Transvaal Numismatic Society:
Number 1, July 1955 - Pdf
Response to a Challenge — Robert Morris. p5
Some Members in Action — Victor Ivanhoff. pp6-7
The S.A. Numismatic Society and Ourselves — F. K. Mitchell. p8
"The Mint" — Book review by a lay person — G.Z. p9
Recent Coin Sales in Johannesburg — S. Gordon. p10
An Interesting Experience — Isidor Kaplan. p11
The 9 & M Countermarked Pond — S. Gordon. p12
Farouk Sale — S.A. Coins — A. Graff. p13
Designs of S.A. Coins — 1947-1954 — J. P. Roux, President. p14
Counterfeiting in Natal — J.T.B. p17
Griqua Town Coins — Comparison of Weights, etc. — J.T.B. pp18-19
Chinese Mints and Dollars — J.T.B. p19
Coins Struck at the Mint in Pretoria, 1923-1954 — S.A. Bureau of Census and Statistics. p22
Number 2, 1956/1957 - Pdf
A Pedigree - S Gordon. p11
Ramblings on the Union Series - Dr F.K. Mitchell. p14
The Mystery of the ZAR Single Shaft half-pond of 1892 - Dr H.M. Stoker. p18
The Iron Currency of Africa - Dr F. Machanik. p23
My filing system for coins - A. Graaf. p34
The Royal Numismatist - C.S.Cohen. p40
Designers and Modellers of Commemorative Medals and 5/- coin, issued by the SA Mint, 1945-1953 - J.P. Roux. p41
Union Coins struck at the Mint in Pretoria - Dr H.M Stoker. p45
The Veldpond and its Counterfeits - J.T.Becklake. p48
English Afrikaans Minting Terms - J.P.Roux. p60
Number 3 - Convention Edition - 1960 - Pdf
Visit to S.A. Mint. p22
Transvaal Numismatic Archives. p23
Obituary: Mr. P.J. Kloppers. p24
Biography: Mr. J. . Becklake. p26
Curriculum Vitae — Dr. J.E. Holloway. p29
A Gold Standard — Dr. J.E. Holloway. p31
Natal Numismatic Society — Mr. A.S. Maskell. p39
Decimal Coinage Minting — Photo. p41
The Coin and Medal Die-Cutters and Engravers of South Africa — Mr. J.P. Roux. p42
The Coiange Struck for Egypt under the Roman Emperors — Mr. M.G. Hibbard. p45
Why I Became a Numismatist! — Mr. R. Kulze. p23
Royal Maundy Coinage — Mr. A.S. Maskell. p56
Die Gedenkpenning van die Skandinawiese Korps, Magersfontein, 1899 — Dr. H.M. Stoker. p59
An Interesting Hundred Years of English Hammered Silver Coins — Mr. J.M. Day. p83
South African Patterns — Mr. S. Gordon. p90
Long Service Medals of the South African Armed Forces — Dr. F.K. Mitchell. p94
Medalje Aangebied by Geleentheid van die Feestelike Opening van die Spoorweg van Lourenco Marques na Pretoria en die Vyftigjaar Herdenking Daarvan — Mnr. G. M. Muller. p120
The Men of Waterloo — Mr. M. G. Hibbard. p124
The Petition Crown — Mr. H. C. Philipson. p128
Coert Steynberg and His Numismatic work — Mr. S.E. Edwards. p130
A Guide to the Prefix Letters Used with the 1939/45 War Medal Issues, to all South African Volunteers — Mr. H.K. Kelly. p138
South African Numismatic Rarities — Dr. F.K. Mitchell. p141
The Medallic Art Over the Ages — Dr. F. Machanik. p144
The Coin Business in the U.S.A. — Mr. R. C. Lawrence. p173
Foreign Coins Struck at the South African Mint, Pretoria: 1942-1949 — Mr. S.E. Edwards. p177
British Columbia’s Dollar — Mr. Starr Gilmore. p186
Number 4 1971 - Pdf
Irish Coins — by Peter Seaby of London. p1
The Twelve Great Caesars — by J.M. Day. p9
Herdenkingsmedaljes van kerklik-kulturele belang vir Suid-Afrika — deur W.S. Joubert. p15
Coins of the New Testament — by Pastor J.K.Rowlands. p32
Major Silver Coins in South African Numismatic History — by Dr. F.K. Mitchell. p40
Some Pitfalls of Medal Collecting — by M.G. Hibbard F.S.A.N.S. p47
Notable Firsts in Transvaal Numismatics — by Dr. Robert Morris. p56
Gedenkpennings rondom enkele staatsmanne van Suid-Afrika — deur prof. dr. D.W. de Villiers. p62
Die Victoria-kruise wat vir heldedade in Suidelike Afrika toegeken is — deur Philip R. Muller. p72
Manufacture of Counterfeits — by Wilson Makepeace. p88
Thoughts on collecting and disposal of a coin collection — by W.J. Menne. p93
Staatspresident S.J.P. Kruger se laaste reis na Europa en sy verblyf in Frankryk en Duitsland — deur dr. Herman Stoker. p95
The Kruger Effigy — by Dr. Felix Machanilk. p154
The Changing Face of Numismatics — by D.G. Liddell. p166
Cyrene of ancient Cyrenaica with special reference to the Silphium plant — by R.A. Stephens. p173
A further report on South African transitional patterns, 1962-1965 — by Dr. F.K. Mitchell, F.S.A.N.S. p176
Historical Survey of the Coins of Rhodesia — by Hannes Joubert. p186
Suid-Afrikaanse Tekengeld — deur dr. G.P. Theron. p192
Extract from the paper on “Numismatic Rarities” by S.G. Abrahams. p201
South African Prize Medals — by Miss Anna Smith. p203
The Royal Geographical Society’s Bronze Medallion to commemorate the Emin Pasha’s Relief of 1888 — by Dr. Felix Machanik. p210
Number 5 2002 - Pdf
The Veldpond and its notorious “High A" forgery — some notes and curious questions - Peter Wilson. p6
Famous Marks Gold Tickey - J.C. Viok. p9
Some observations on ZAR Medallions - Henk Loots. p11
Just what are tokens? - Alan Jacobs. - p6
The Johannesburg Vrywilligers Medal - Peter Wilson. p20
A collection of Wanderers Club membership badges - Hugh Glen. p24
Telately — a complimentary hobby - Dawie Schwartz. p32
A Fascinating new ZAR medallion series presently in the making - Peter Wilson. p46
Setting the Time - Louis Josselowitz and Hugh Glen. p47
Notes on trade dollars of the Indo-Pacific region - Hugh Glen. p51
D.T. Batty: Numismatist Extraordinaire - Neville Harden. p55
Marshall Hole Emergency Fiscal (Currency) Cards - Dr Heinz Wirz. p58
Number 6, May 2017 - Pdf
A review of the 20c steel patterns of 1988. p1
The 1960 Chamber of Mines One Ounce Gold Medallion. p2
Additional information on the Second Decimal Coin Series. p21
The rights of the South African Reserve Bank with respect to historic coinage. p44
Proof Krugerrands and Capital Gains Tax. p84 - Pdf
Trends in South African coin prices and the role of catalogues. p90
Size Patterns of the Second Decimal Coin Series. p124
Patterns of the Third Decimal Coin Series. p136
Early Patterns of the Krugerrand. p155 - Pdf
From Barter to Barclays, Compiled by Eric Rosenthal - Pdf
The First SAAND Trade Fair - Johannesburg April 1982
Inconvertible Paper Money - Barker, J.R.K. (1920) - During the period of thirty- seven years between 1793 and 1830, Inconvertible Paper Money, which was a legal tender, was freely issued in the Cape Colony, producing a prolific crop of financial, currency, and commercial disasters in the country - Pdf
Minting of gold and silver coins at the Royal Mint, Pretoria (The), J. T. Becklake, The Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers, September 1928 - Pdf
Money in South Africa - Engelbrecht, C.L
The Menne Single Shaft Paul Kruger Half Pond - The Story of a Mysterious and Unique Gold Coin, Nortje, P.H (2021) - Pdf
The Mystery of the Missionaries' Money - The Griqua Coinage of the London Missionary Society, Nortje, P.H. (2023) - Pdf
1. Notes on the Coinage of South Africa - The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, 1934, Fifth Series, Vol. 14, No. 55 (1934), pp. 183-215, J.T. Becklake - Pdf
2. Numismatic Essays by Members of the South African Numismatic Society (1986)
Three Coinage Proclamations issued at the Cape; 1661, 1685 and 1699, Lalou Meltzer - Pdf
A Foundation Stone "Hoard" het Nuwe Kerk, Cape Town 1833, Dr Frank Mitchell - Pdf
Rare Gallantry Awards To South Africans; Two tardy awards of the Albert Medal for civilian bravery at the armoured train disaster near Chievly Station, Natal, 15th November 1899, Bill Hibbard - Pdf
1. South African Bureau of Standards (1954)
2. South African Coin Collectors' Handbook (The): 2nd Edition, A Jaffe (1974) - Pdf
3. South African Journal of Economics (June 1961)
4. South African Numismatic Convention
First Convention - see De Nummis, Journal of the Transvaal Numismatic Society, Number 3, 1960 - Pdf
a) Second Convention, Cape Town January 1964 (Catalogue of exhibits) - Pdf
b) Papers Read at the Second Convention, Cape Town January 1964
Third Convention Durban, July 1967 - Pdf
Fourth Convention, Pretoria, October 1970 - Pdf
Fifth Convention, Johannesburg 1974 - Pdf
Sixth Convention, Durban July 1976 - Pdf
Seventh Convention, Johannesburg 1986 - Pdf
5. South African Numismatic Society Magazine (1947) - Pdf
History of Society
Members of Society
Story of the English Coinage (Illustrated)
Coinage of the Z.A. Republiek
Notes on Coin Collecting (1)
History and the English Sixpence
Gold, Silver and Bronze Coins of the Union Token
Coinage of South Africa
Coinage of George 111
Foreign Coins
Biblical and Latin Legends on British Coins
War Medals and Decorations
The S.A. Mint Museum
6. South African Numismatic Society Magazine - Notes from our Scrap Book - Pdf
7. South African Journal of Industries (The), (May 1925)
8. South African Numismatic Journal (The):
Number 1: September 1964 - Pdf
Obituary: Lt. Col. J. C. Piek, E.D. (Oom Jack)
The South African Numismatic Society, Mitchell
Impressions of 2nd S.A. Numismatic Convention, Menne
The new coinage of the Republic of South Africa, Mitchell
The tokens of Southern Africa, Lt. CoL. J. L. Knobel and edited by J. McA. Day
The token coinage of Natal, Ballengeich
Numismatics and the history of art, DR. J. van der Meulen, Director, South African Museum (Cultural History) (Paper read at the 2nd S.A. Numismatic Convention)
Decimal coinage of the Union and Republic of South Africa, 1961 to 1963
The Rhodesian postage stamp money, Bergman
The historical background of the Verenigde Oost-Indiese Companjie - Paper read at the 2nd S.A. Numismatic Convention, Piek
The Caircross family group of war medals - Paper read at the 2nd S.A. Numismatic Convention, Cairncross
Number 2: April 1965 - Pdf
The New South African Coinage, Mitchell
The Tokens of Southern Africa Part II Section A (Cape Town), Knobel & Day
Union of South Africa, Paper Money 1910-1922, Bergman
Human Stories in Numismatic Archives, Shaw
D.S.C. awards to South Africans, Kelly
The Natal Native Rebellion 1906 War Medal, Mitchell
List of members of the Society
South African Coinage 1964
Rhodesia Coinage 1964
Zambia Coinage 1964
Kaplan’s “Catalogue of Coins of South Africa"
Number 3: September 1965 - Pdf
Obituary: James Thomas Becklake
The Becklake Trophy Medal, Mitchell
Language on new S.A. Coinage, Mitchell
Report of 25th Annual General Meeting
The “Select Committee” Patterns, Mitchell
The Tokens of Southern Africa 1 Part II, Section B (Cape Town), Knobel & Day
Police Good Service Medal, Mitchell
Anglo-Boereoorlog Medaljes, Muller
Greek Coins and Cities of Origin, Day
Some facts about Scottish Coins, Fairley
Coinage of Republic of South Africa 1964
Rhodesia Coinage 1964
Book Review
Publications Available
Number 4: November 1967 - Pdf
From Silver to Nickel, Mitchell
History and Coinage of South West Africa, Hammond
South African Coinage: 1965 /66, Mitchell
Brief History of Australian Currency, Bergman
The Coins from the Wreck of the ‘‘Fame’’, Mitchell
Tokens of Southern Africa, Africana Museum
Coinage of the Dominican Republic, Remick & Almanzar
Canadian Coins, Currency and Tokens, James and Remick
Publications available
South African Coinage, 1967
List of Members
Number 5: October 1969 - Pdf
The unique single “9” overstamped 1898 S.A.R. Pond, Bergman
A find of South African interest, Heinrich
The King’s Police Medal, Machanik
South African Coinage: 1966/67, Mitchell
History of the English Milled Silver Halfcrown, Bergman
A Roman Greek Bronze Coin of Caria, Day
Forged Coins from the Early Days of Coinage, Day
A Talk on Numismatics, Bergman
Eight Reales and Pesos of the New World, Elizondo
The Guidebook and Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins 1660-1969, Remick, Linecar & James
Publications available
List of Members
Number 6: January 1971 - Pdf
St. Helena, Joubert
Women and War Medals, Day
South African coinage: 1969, Mitchell
Rhodesia’s Decimal currency, Stander
Nuwe temas vir die Nuwe Versamelaar, De Villiers
The Royal Wedding 30 Drachmai coins of Greece - 1964, Bergman
The Naval General Service Medal (1793—1840), Hibbard
Treasure from the Sea, Warner
When the Victoria Cross was presented at Cape Town on Coronation Day, Friedmann
Some Notes on the “Victory” and“Shalom” commemorative coins of Israel, Selikowitz
The Rhodesia General Service Medal, Day
Publications available
List of Members
Number 7: November 1972 - Pdf
Republic Festival 1971, Numismatic Exhibition, Mitchell
Roman Ladies on Coins, Day
The Story of the Tabora 15 Rupees, Warner
The Token Coinage of the Cape Province, Page
Pryswisselinge volgens Alec Kaplan se Catalogue of the Coins of South Africa, De Villiers
Sea Treasure from the Wreck of the Meeresteijn, Mitchell
South African Decorations and Awards, Kelly
The Gold Coinage of George III Coinage of the Republic of South Africa, 1970 & 1971, Mitchell
Publications available
List of Members
Number 8: March 1974 - Pdf
A Foundation Member Looks Back, Des Vages
Engraver Johann Cornelius Wienecke, with special reference to his Medallions depicting the effigy of Paul Kruger, De Villiers
An Obvious Case of Inflation, Bergman
The Maundy Ceremony, Jean Day
Coinage of the Republic of South Africa, 1972 and 1973, Mitchell
The Token Coinage of the Cape Province, Page
Distinguished Service Cross Awards to South Africans in the Second World War, Kelly
The Literary Aspects of Numismatics, Natalie Jaffe
The Crowns of France, 1795-1870, Brett
Publications available
List of Members
Number 9: June 1976 - Pdf
Page Baden-Powell op Gedenkpennings, de Villiers
Awards and Presents given to South Africans during the 1947 Royal Tour, Bisset
Coinage of the Republic of South Africa 1974 and 1975, Mitchell
Siam . . . Land of Mystery, Goodway
English coins at the time of the Bayeux Tapestry, Jean Day
From Pfennig to Mark, Heinrich
South Africa’s first Gold coin
Publications available
List of Members
Number 10: May 1978 - Pdf
Jack McArthur Day
Dr. H. M. Stoker
"An Incomplete Story of the Artists, Engravers and Engineers of the English Mint, James
Die “Border Scout” Note van Upington, De Villiers
Primitive and Odd and Curious Moneys, Walters
The Loss of Minorca in the Balearic Islands, Goodway
Siege Pieces of the Civil War, Jacobs
King Edward VII and King George V Coronation Medal Rolls, Bisset
The Coinage of the Republic of South Africa; 1976 and 1977, Mitchell
Publications available
9. The Scarcity of the Coins of the Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek - printer's copy, Pierre H. Nortje (2020) - Pdf
10. The South African Numismatic Society Newsletters
Volumes 1,2,3 & 4: 10th September 1948 - January 1956 - Pdf
Vol 5 No 1: July 1956 - Pdf
Thoughts on a Decimalised Currency for South Africa, Ernst Heinrich p3.
The Coinage of England Showing the Source of the Bullion Used, E.M. Day p6.
Vol 5 No 2: February 1957 - Pdf
South African Coinage 1955, Ed p13.
Trip to Europe, F.K. Mitchell p14.
Some South African Gems, F.K. Mitchell p16.
Queen's South Africa Medal: Town Guards etc, F.K. Mitchell p17.
Vol 5 No 3: June 1957 - Pdf
Bank Notes of the Federation, K Verdon p24.
Kruger Specimen Proofs, E.A. Hohmann p25.
Decimalization of South African Coinage, P.J. du Toit p26.
1957 South African Coinage, Ed p29 - Festival Medallions: Johannesburg Festival 1956, Ed p30.
Vol 5 No 4: September 1957 - Pdf
Romance of the Coins of Tarentum, M.G. Hibbard p33.
Sir Harry Smith's Medal for Gallantry, B.L. Cairncross p36.
The "Gluck auf Transvaal" Medal 1892, E.A Hohmann p37.
Exhibition of Military Medals of South African Interest: Johannesburg Public Library: 22 July to 10th August 1957, Ed p38.
Vol 5 No 5: October 1958 - Pdf
South African Coinage 1956 & 1957 (production figures), Ed p42.
The South African Penny: Reverse Design, F.K. Mitchell p44.
The "1877" Bar to the South African General Service Medal 1877-1879, F.K. Mitchell p44.
Annual General Meeting Exhibit: Some Africana Numismatic Rarities, Ed p48.
Vol 5 No 6: May 1959 - Pdf
Our Decimal Coinage, Ed p56.
A South African Platinum Medallion - One of Six., F.K. Mitchell p59.
The Currency of Southern Rhodesia and the Federation. Editorial Introduction, Ed p60.
The Cairncross Family Group of War Medals, B.L.Cairncross p70.
Vol 5 No 7: April 1960 - Pdf
South Africa's new Coinage, F.K. Mitchell p74.
The South African Coinage: 1958 & 1959, F.K. Mitchell p76.
Foreign Coins Struck at the South African Mint, Pretoria: 1942-1949, S.E. Edwards p76.
The South African Railways and Harbours Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, F.K. Mitchell p83.
Letter from Chief Superintendent of Police re changes to the Police Long Service Medal, F.K. Mitchell p89.
Vol 5 No 8: November 1960 - Pdf
Union Jubilee Commemorative Crown, Ed p92.
1960 Union Coinage, Ed p92.
Decimal coin production for 1961, Ed p92.
First South African Numismatic Convention, Ed p93.
Estate of K.L.M. Alexander, Ed p93.
The Sydney Mint Sovereigns and Half-sovereigns as part of the South African Coin Cabinet, S.E.Edwards p94
Our Decimal Coinage, Ed p97
Vol 5 No 9: August 1962 - Pdf
The Masters of the Mint, Ed p99.
The Union Jubilee Commemorative 5-shilling Piece: 1960, F.K. Mitchell p101.
The Last Coinage of the Union of South Africa. The Decimal Coinage of 1961, F.K. Mitchell p102.
On the problem of a more handy coinage in South Africa, E. Heinrich p105.
Cape Town Pier Tokens, F.K. Mitchell p106.
Lieutenant-Commander D.A. Hall, D.S.C. & Bar. South African Naval Forces (V), H.K. Kelly p107.
The South African Coinage:1960 and 1961 (mintage figures), F.K. Mitchell p110.
The Queen's Medal for Bravery (South Africa) - Woltemade Medal, F.K. Mitchell p111.
Vol 5 No 10: - September 1963 - Pdf
A Fourth Numismatic Society in South Africa, Ed p112.
Convention: Cape Town: 7th-10th January 1964, Ed p112.
Proposed changes in the Coinage of the Republic of South Africa, F.K. Mitchell p112.
The South African Coinage: 1962 (mintage figures), F.K. Mitchell p114.
The Coinage of Sarawak: 1863 - 1937, Jerome H. Remick p115.
A Farm Worker a Hundred Years Ago, J.M. Day p116.
Mafeking Siege Notes, Ed p117.
The South African Medal for War Services, H.K. Kelly p119.
The Cape Copper Company's Medal for the Defence of O'Kiep - The Story of a Defender, N. Bobbins p120.
New Decorations and Medals for the South African Police, F.K. Mitchell p121.
Edward, Prince of Wales, Visit to South Africa - 1925 (medal), F.K. Mitchell p122.
Vol 5 No 11: February 1964 - Pdf
The Second South African Numismatic Convention, E. Donges p123.
New Coins: S.A. Looks 100 Years Ahead. Nickle Takes Place of Silver, Ed p125.
Select Committee of Parliament, Ed p126.
11. South African Numismatic Society - General Meetings Minute Books
Meetings held between 29th August 1941 - 22nd August 1945 - Pdf
Meetings held between 22nd August 1945 and 20th August 1948 - Pdf
Meetings held between November 1966 and April 1972 - Pdf
Meetings held between May 1972 and June 1976 - Pdf
Meetings held between July 1985 and March 1989 - Pdf
Meetings held between April 1989 and September 1992 - Pdf
12. 60th Anniversary Journal 2001 - Pdf
Extract: Editorial, S.A.N.S. Magazine (1947)
Obituary: M.G. Hibbard, Commander MacEoin Bisset
Editorial Message, Dr. Frank Friedlander
President’s Message, Mrs. Natalie Jaffe F.S.A.N.S.
Extract: Numismatics International Association of Professional Numismatists / Association Internationale des Numismates Professionnels
Sweetheart Jewellery, Dr. Ryno Greenwall
Early Japanese coinage, Mr.Helmut Cohn F.S.A.N.S.
Tokens relating to the Cape, Mr. Clive Page
An unusual sports medal, Dr. Badra Chavda
Medals associated with Plague, Dr. Frank Friedlander
Trade between Africa and the East, Mrs. Rita Miller
Collecting coins from the past — into the future, Drs. Jean & Roal van Zyl-Smit
13. Shells to Shillings, E Rosenthal - Pdf
1. Transvaal Numismatic Society: Record of Meetings
(We do not have these records available as yet but the references can be found on page 26 of De Nummis Number 1, July 1955)
Meeting of 22nd October 1950
Meeting of 28th March 1951
Meeting of 12th December 1951
Meeting of 28th August 1952
Meeting of 10th November 1953
Meeting of 17th August 1954
2. Tokens of the Colony and Province of Natal - Milner Snell (2020) - Pdf
3. Tokens of the Transkei, Milner Snell (2020) - Pdf
4. The rights of the South African Reserve Bank with respect to historic coinage - Prof DF Malan (2016) - Pdf
1. Van Riebeeck Festival Exhibition March/April 1952 at the South African Museum Cape Town - Pdf
Coins Used at the Cape during The Durtc Occupation, V. des Vages
The Proposed Mint at the Cape -1804, V. des Vages
British Coins used in South Africa, J. M. Day
The Coinage of the South African Republic, Dr. F. K. Mitchell
South African Patterns, Dr. F. K. Mitchell
The Coinage of the Union of South Africa, H. F. Knowles
South African Military Medals, Dr. F. K. Mitchell
South African Commemorative Medallions, K. L. M. Alexander and Dr. F. K. Mitchell
South African Tokens, Lt.-Col. J. Piek, E.D.
South African Bank Notes, by Miss J. Fairley
The South African Mint
2. Veldpond: The True Facts Pilgrim's Rest 1902, Dr Rentia Landman-Reid - Pdf
1. Where our coins are made: Minting at the Royal Mint, Pretoria, R. Pearson Deputy Mint Master, The South African Journal of Industries, May 1925 - Pdf
Origin and evolution of coined money
Acts establishing the Pretoria Mint
Major items of plant
Operations other than coining
Assay of gold and silver bullion
Staff organization
Coining processes
Final operations