Addendum to the Western Cape Numismatic Society Constitution
Roles and responsibilities of WCNS Committee members
The following roles and responsibilities have been agreed on by the WCNS Committee:
The President
Leads the WCNS, its Committee’s interpersonal relations and constitutional delivery, the Society’s ethos, chairs Committee and Society meetings, is the custodian of the WCNS Constitution, oversees the Society’s governance, is the Society’s accountable person and is the Society’s ultimate public representative,
When voting, by ballot or otherwise, results in equal numbers, the President shall cast a deciding vote in addition to his/her own vote,
The President appoints administration members of the WCNS WhatsApp group and is the authority to remove WhatsApp participants/Society members/guests, after written consultation with the Committee.
The Vice-President
Supports the President in delegated duties, or as stand-in, should the President be unavailable. When the Vice-President acts for the President, she/he does so with full authority for the time agreed on by the Committee,
Serves as the Society’s Treasurer to manage the Society’s bank account for receipts and payments, ensures appropriate financial security and all governance measures (including taxes and VAT adherence), to regularly report the Society’s financial affairs to the Committee (including paid-up membership summaries), and to advise any Society member of the Society’s financial standing when so requested.
The Secretary
Is the custodian for all Society procedures and rules, the regular review thereof, and Society branding (logo design and standards, document fonts, colours and layouts),
To organize and convene Society meetings, keeping minutes of such meetings and to disseminate minutes to Society members,
Is the custodian of Society membership, to regularly update the member's list (with appropriate details) and make that available to the Committee only (with full confidentiality ensured),
Coordinates the annual engraving of the President’s hammer and the Bergman Trophy of numismatic endeavor, and their availability at the Society’s AGM.
The Liaison Officer
Is the Society’s public contact point for Society enquiries like public statements and press releases,
Is the spokesperson with other organisations and coordinates contact with interested parties. She/he will seek Committee guidance, whenever possible, when dealing with public interaction, and will at all times keep the Committee informed of plans and projects,
Organise WCNS visits, other than regular meetings.
The Webmaster
Responsible for the creation, future developments, maintenance, security and troubleshooting of a modern, user-friendly WCNS website,
Monitor the website’s performance and hit rate, ensure search engine optimization and test the website’s compatibility across intended platforms,
Receive website enquiries, acknowledge them within good time and forward them to appropriate Committee members,
Change website content and launch member communications within standing Committee guidelines, and place web site content, as required by Committee members.
Committee: President: W Human, Vice-President: J Odes, Secretary: PH Nortje, Liaison Officer: T van der Spuy, Webmaster: D Rabe